Last year, I started a relationship with a divorced mother of two, who is over ten years older and a woman of substance, who has helped me a lot in my career. In return, as I don’t have money to lavish on her, I help see that her kids get taken to schools, help wash her cars and run other errands for her. She has a group of highly sophisticated friends, who look at me with disdain.
They believe I’m a gold digger and refer to me as “small boy” when they think I’m not listening. I might not have money to throw around, but I’ve paid my dues with her. On the odd occasion when her drivers left because of her sharp tongue, I’ve had to ferry her around town to her various meetings.
I’ve found a girl that I would love to get married to. I’m afraid to tell her in case she pulls out of the business we now run and into which I have invested heavily. My new girl knows of her, but is quite unaware of how deep we’ve gone. She wants a lavish wedding, but I’m afraid that if I agree, my lover could turn nasty.
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